Announcing our 12 Days of Giving! Vegas Stronger™ works hard to provide specific services to our clients who came off the streets and into our program. Many of these individuals do not have the resources for basic needs such as transportation, food, and housing. Each day we’re going to be highlighting a specific service that we provide and how your generous donation can help us fund it! There’s no better gift than helping someone heal and live their best life after experiencing homelessness and recovery from addiction. Happy Holidays!
Day 1: Transportation

Vegas Stronger is determined to make sure that all clients are successful in our treatment program. One way we make sure this happens is by providing transportation to and from their place of residence, medical appointments, and other community resources. We find that taking this obstacle out of their day helps the client stay focused on their goals and recovery! Your donation will help maintain our vehicles, pay for gas, and also fund bus passes when our team is unavailable for transport (after-hours/weekends).

Day 2: Hygiene Care

Often when clients come in they only have the clothes on their backs. We provide them with clothes as well as hygienic materials and showers. Please give the gift of a hygiene set for them to take with them or new undergarments as many of the clothes that we receive are gently used. Having new fresh undergarments is an important part of someone feel clean, fresh, and ready for their first day of the rest of their life! Drop off at 916 N. Main Street M-F 8am-4pm or schedule a pickup by calling 702-202-6647

Day 3: Outreach

Vegas Stronger’s Outreach team is in the community EVERY SINGLE DAY letting those in need know what resources we have to offer. They visit local shelters, the tunnels and even parts of the strip to give a hand up to those struggling from substance use disorders and mental health issues.Your donation of $100 will help maintain this invaluable part of the Vegas Stronger organization. Thank you for your donation!

Day 4: 12-Step Classes

At Vegas Stronger, we want to make sure that our clients have all the support they need. 12 12-step classes offer this support in between classes and after hours. Your donation will help maintain the 12 Step Classes that have become an invaluable part of the Vegas Stronger organization.

Day 5: Fitness & Nutrition

Physical fitness and nutritional health has been proven to help in all aspect’s of mental wellness and overall wellbeing. Getting clean and sober is a multi-step process that includes physical and nutritional health. These service are free to all clients! Give the gift of fitness & nutritional resources today with a donation of $100!

Day 6: Community Garden

Our community garden is where our clients learn that by spending time outdoors and in the sun and fresh air, working in the garden, they can increase levels of serotonin naturally which improves mood and brings a sense of calm. Help maintain the garden, tools, and materials with a donation!

Day 7: Case Management

Case Management is such an integral part of Vegas Stronger’s recovery program! Without the Case Management team’s help, many of the in-house resources that we offer would not be nearly as accessible! Your donation will help support the Case Management team!

Day 8: Daily Meals

Vegas Stronger Feeds over 100 clients a day with help from friends like Jewish Family Services, but we also provide groceries to take home. We know for a fact that an empty stomach hinders our clients from being able to focus on their recovery, which is the primary objective and goal for each of our clients. Though we are currently able to provide nonperishable foods, we hope to keep our fridge stocked with fruits and vegetables, dairy, and other nutritious items that are vital for overall health. All food donations can be dropped off at Vegas Stronger or you can contact us for a scheduled pick-up!

Day 9: Spiritual Classes & Counsel

Vegas Stronger is a huge advocate for spiritual counseling because it helps many find a renewed purpose in life and promotes accountability. Accountability is so important when it comes to recovery and we want our clients to have access to every tool available for increased chances of success! Your donation will help us maintain our spiritual counseling program!

Day 10: Housing Assistance

At Vegas Stronger, we recognize that in order for recovery to be successful, our clients need to have a safe, clean, and warm place to live, as well as remove themselves from areas of temptation where others may not be ready to change their lives. Our team works hard to partner with other nonprofit organizations to secure stable housing for all of our clients who do not already have! Your donation will help maintain our housing assistance program!

Day 11: Uninsured Clients

Did you know that Vegas Stronger NEVER turns away someone for being uninsured? Our clients don’t have to worry about paying for treatment and we help get them insurance while they’re in our program! Your donation will help those seeking treatment receive care at no cost to them!

Day 12: Building Maintenance

At Vegas Stronger, our main focus is the well-being of our clients. Part of that is making sure they have a clean and well-maintained environment to receive treatment and care. This takes a lot of time, dedication, and funds in order to maintain the Vegas Stronger building! Your donation will help make the environment clean, safe, beautiful, and indicative of the top-notch care our clients receive!