Looking for a Treatment Provider for a Substance Use Disorder? Here’s What You Should Be Looking For

If you or someone you care about has a substance use disorder and wants to get better, you’re likely aware that a rehabilitation center (rehab) is where you should go. A rehab is a behavioral health facility for people who have an addiction disorder involving alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors. Some people go daily, or 2-3 times a week, to an outpatient center for care, while others live at a center for a period of residential care.

The first item to determine is if you need to start your journey to recovery with medically monitored detoxification, which often takes place at a separate facility commonly known as a “detox.” Alcohol and benzodiazepine-dependent patients often require a medically monitored separation to avoid seizures and to keep the patient safe as they separate from the substance. Likewise, separating from opioids can be very difficult and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is recommended to help individuals cope with withdrawal symptoms.

Another important step is determining the appropriate level of care. The level of care is whether they should be living in a facility, getting treatment daily, or if they are better suited for living at home and going to treatment during the week. This should not be determined by the patient alone but collaboratively with a therapist during a biopsychosocial assessment.

If you or your loved one is willing to go, a good place to start is with their health insurance provider. Many Insurers—health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) have contractual relationships with certain providers, so checking with your insurance about what the covered options are is an important step.

In order to select the best option available to you, make sure you look for some key features at your prospective rehab:

  • Is the treatment center Joint Commission Accredited?
  • Is the treatment center Substance Abuse, Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) certified?
  • Are the CEO and the leadership team licensed clinicians?
  • Have any members of the management team been convicted of felonies?
  • Does the rehab encourage fitness, nutrition, and education or is the culture dominated by vaping and drug-adjacent culture?
  • Is psychiatric provider access included? Is primary care provider access included?  Often when the substance is removed, depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions become more significant, and having an on-site included provider will mitigate many of those issues.

It’s also appropriate to ask if there have been any sentinel events at the facility. Sentinel events in the rehab industry are catastrophic injuries or fatalities that have happened during the course of care. While drug and alcohol abuse can result in serious injury and death, teams at quality behavioral healthcare facilities should be able to prevent these occurrences in the vast majority of cases. The vast majority of facilities have not had patient deaths.

Treatment does work, and thousands of people every year are able to gain lasting recovery, reunite with loved ones, and go on to accomplish amazing things while freed from their chemical dependency. People do recover more and more every day! Still, it is critical that you select the right rehab to ensure your chances of success are the best they can be from day one.

To speak with a professional about what to look for in a treatment provider or to see if Vegas Stronger is a fit for you, call 702-202-6647 or email [email protected].

How to Get Help Today

You don’t have to face addiction or homelessness alone. Vegas Stronger is here to help. Whether you need immediate support, are looking for treatment options, or want to help a loved one, we are ready to assist.