Join us at the 2024 SNAAP Symposium – A Systemic Approach to Suicide Prevention and the Ethics of Cultural Humility!
September 20th from 8am to 5pm at The Suncoast
Presented by SNAAP and sponsored by Partida Corona Medical Center
“A Systemic Approach to Suicide Prevention and the Ethics of Cultural Humility”
Earn 6 CEU’s!!! Network and engage with other helping professionals! Limited seats avaiable so order now!
- 8:00am-9am: Breakfast and (8:30-8:45am welcome)
- 9am Start
- 9am-11am: Suicide Prevention (Dave Marlon – Psy. D, LADC-S, CPC-I, SAP, MBA and Jennifer Howe – LCADC-S, CPC)
- 11am-11:15am: Break/Coffee (provided)
- 11:15am-12:15pm Ethics, HIPPA, and Release of Information in an Electronic World (Ethics) (Dr. Jerry Cade)
- 12:15pm-1:30 Lunch (provided) and Mingle/Vendor opportunity (vendors have 10 min. each to promote themselves)
- 1:30pm-4:30pm Ethics within Cultural Humility/Suicide Prevention (Dr. Gerado Wence-Munos)
- 4:30pm-5:00pm Closing/SNAAP Promotion and NAADAC website for further CEU’s.
- 5pm Event ends
$75.00 Professional $60.00 Intern $250.00 vendor (½ a 6ft. Table and 1 person)
If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate, SNAAP is a registered non-profit and your donation will be tax deductible.
Register here: