Vegas Stronger™ Earns IRB Approval from Leading Universities to Conduct Evidence-Based Treatment

Vegas Stronger™ earns internal review board (IRB) approval from two leading universities to conduct evidence-based treatment for people with substance use disorders who are experiencing homelessness.

Here at Vegas Stronger™, we believe substance-use disorders are the biggest health problem facing our city and a primary cause of homelessness. We utilize evidence-based methods to ensure our clients receive the highest quality of care possible. Our clients see short wait times to access treatment and once enrolled, receive longer durations of treatment.  We understand the duration of treatment is a primary indicator of successful treatment outcomes

For quality assurance, we are conducting research studies of our treatment methods to tailor our program most effectively to meet our clients’ needs. To manage ethical implications and maintain federal regulatory standards, universities throughout the country utilize Institutional Review Boards (IRB) to oversee research studies on human subjects. Vegas Stronger™ is proud to have formal relationships with Institutional Review Boards at both the University of Nevada  – Las Vegas and Walden University.

Walden University

Through Walden, we are conducting a qualitative study researching the most efficient methods to integrate substance abuse services in a community clinic serving the homeless. Most substance abuse services focused on the underserved only offer basic drug counseling and rehabilitation services. Here at Vegas Stronger™, we believe in a holistic approach to substance-abuse treatment. We are analyzing the most efficacious way to integrate not only basic services such as drug counseling and case management, but also incorporate primary medical care, mental healthcare, housing assistance, employment assistance, and self-care (salon services, fitness/yoga, nutrition).
We are also conducting longitudinal research tracking our clients’ post-treatment outcomes.

In a partnership with UNLV, we are analyzing the efficacy of our “13 Elements” method and its long-term effect on our clients’ sobriety, employment, housing, and quality of life (using the evidence-based ROSES assessment. We utilize these results to tailor our program to fulfill our mission of alleviating drug use and homelessness in the city of Las Vegas.

How to Get Help Today

You don’t have to face addiction or homelessness alone. Vegas Stronger is here to help. Whether you need immediate support, are looking for treatment options, or want to help a loved one, we are ready to assist.