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Blaise Schafer, CADC



I am excited to introduce myself as a member of our dedicated team here at Vegas Stronger. As we continue to grow and thrive, I want to share a little about myself and my values, as well as my journey that has led me to this incredible role in our organization.

Client-Centered Approach: At the core of my beliefs as a social worker is the unwavering commitment to putting our clients' needs first. I believe that the well-being and satisfaction of the individuals we serve should always be our top priority. Following closely behind are the well-being of our agency and the broader community we are privileged to work within. It's essential to recognize that my own personal challenges or concerns come last in this hierarchy.

Empathy and Non-Judgment: I am a strong advocate for a client-centered approach. I firmly believe in meeting our clients exactly where they are in their unique life journeys. This means embracing a stance of empathy and non-judgment, free from any preconceived expectations of where I think they should be. This approach ensures that our clients receive the highest quality care rooted in best practices.

Cultural Compassion: My personal background has played a significant role in shaping my values and approach. I grew up in a blended family, spending my formative years in Las Vegas with my mother and school breaks in Georgia and Alabama with my father. My family has experienced the multi-generational challenge of addiction, but we've also witnessed multi-generational success in recovery. These experiences have formed the foundation of my deep compassion for those who struggle with untreated illnesses.

Professional Journey: My professional journey in this field began unexpectedly in 2015 when I had the opportunity to join a residential treatment facility for adults recovering from substance use disorders as a Behavioral Health Technician. Since then, I've wholeheartedly embraced this path and have yet to feel as though I've worked a single day. My passion for what I do continues to drive me to become more versatile and apply my skills in various capacities within our industry.

Dedication to Growth: I have committed myself to lifelong learning and professional development. In 2017, I served as a Peer Support Specialist, using my lived experiences to enhance engagement, follow-up, and client retention. In 2018, I embarked on a journey as a counseling intern and successfully passed the state exams, earning certification as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor in 2022.

Educational Milestones: My dedication to personal and professional growth led me to graduate with an Associate of Arts degree in General Education from CSN in 2020 and a Bachelor of Social Work degree from UNLV in 2022. I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Social Work, with plans to graduate in December 2023, marking the beginning of my journey toward becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).

I am thrilled to be part of a team that shares my passion for making a positive impact and upholding the highest standards of practice. As we work together to achieve our goals, I look forward to the incredible opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this remarkable journey.

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