Vegas Stronger™ is excited to announce that we have WASH Stations on our premises! WASH stations provide sanitation needs that are accessible 24/7 in our parking lot. They offer bathrooms […]
Vegas Stronger™ is excited to announce that we have WASH Stations on our premises! WASH stations provide sanitation needs that are accessible 24/7 in our parking lot. They offer bathrooms […]
Our nonprofit organization is a team of people determined to help break the unhealthy cycle of substance abuse, mental illness, and homelessness. Come join us at Dave Marlon's castle as […]
Vegas Stronger™ earns internal review board (IRB) approval from two leading universities to conduct evidence-based treatment for people with substance use disorders who are experiencing homelessness. Here at Vegas Stronger™, […]
We will be celebrating the kind and giving life of Christopher Saul Gordon on Saturday, January 22nd, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at Vegas Stronger™. There will be an […]
The North Las Vegas Police Department has consistently donated bicycles to our nonprofit organization since its inception last year, and we are beyond grateful for their continued support. Each and […]
Substance abuse is frequently the cause of homelessness, which only exacerbates untreated mental health issues, and is a growing concern. Most statistics reveal that substance abuse is much more common […]
The Vegas Stronger™ Media Guide was created to share information about Las Vegas addiction statistics, and the plan that the nonprofit has created to address America’s #1 health issue.
By Susan Rope - See original article here. The pandemic-weary world is moving back to normal as more people are getting vaccinated and more areas of the nation are rolling […]
The initiative is supported by City Council and MPD and provides aid and resources to the vulnerable population. March 09, 2021 – LAS VEGAS, NV -- The nonprofit Vegas Stronger™, […]